Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Special delivery from Auntie Beth

I was so surprised when I got home from work and had a box from New Jersey waiting for me. My wonderful friend Beth bought our lil' peanut his/her first castle complete with a knight, princess, and dragon! It is the cutest toy I have ever seen, I know our baby is going to love playing with it =) Thanks Beth!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Love at first sight

Today I got to see my little peanut for the first time!!! The baby really does look like a little peanut lol =) I am 7 weeks 4 days pregnant today, the baby is 1 cm long and about the size of a kidney bean. Who would think something so dang small could make me feel so icky?! The baby has a heart rate of 130 which is great. I didn't get to hear the heartbeat, but I did get to see it beating (it looks like its fluttering it beats so fast!). My next appointment is in 4 weeks and at that appointment I will get to hear the heart beating!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Morning sickness =(

Ahhhhh I thought maybe I would be lucky enough to experience NO morning sickness, sadly I think I experienced my first whole day of sickness today =( No throwing up yet, just very very nauseous. I made it to Week 6 day 4 with nothing... I am praying this sick feeling will only last a few days instead of the whole first trimester. My mom was so sick when pregnant with me that she couldn't get off the couch, I need to work so I am praying I don't ever get as sick as she was. It isn't fun working when you feel so sick, lucky for me I have a wonderful husband who brought be saltine crackers to work which actually helped a little. =)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pottery and sour patch kids

Tonight was a fun night =) My mom and I went over to Amanda's future mother in laws house for a pottery painting party. Juliana also fed us pizza which really hit the spot. My mom painted a piggy bank for my little peanut, she painted it turquoise with brown poka dots. The nursery is going to be turquoise and brown so it will match perfectly! The people at the party don't know I am pregnant yet so my mom told them she was painting it for Kolter. I also painted something, but I can't say what I painted on here cause it is a gift for someone =)Below is the piggy bank before my mom painted it... I will post a picture of the finished project once it gets fired.

So far I haven't really experienced many pregnancy symptoms. I have been super tired ( to the point I almost fell asleep today and yesterday at work) and I also now have an increased sensitivity of smells. Thank goodness I have not experienced any morning sickness yet, YAY! Tonight I think I may have experienced my first craving.... SOUR PATCH KIDS!? What kind of craving is that? lol The only time I ever eat sour patch kids is when I am at the movie theater =) My wonderful husband and dad went to the store and got me 2 big bags =) I guess only time will tell what other cravings I will have....