Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Take one day at a time....

Today was a hard day... I know I will have my good days and my bad days and today was not a good one. =( I had cramps all day today at work and when I got home I realized I was spotting. Of course the tears started flowing... It really makes me question faith. I don't understand why God took my bestfriend and I won't understand if I miscarry either, I am just going to keep praying that everything is ok. I pray Tara is protecting my little baby and making sure everything is ok inside my belly. I have a doctors appointment this Saturday. I will probably be a wreck until I find out everything is normal. Tonight was also our first night attending a church small group called starting points. I think it will help to tell others what I am going through, but tonight it was hard. Maybe next week I will be able to share more. I know I need to focus on just taking one day at a time.

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